What Will Websites Be Like In 100 Years?

Keiron Pink
September 30, 2024

As we look at the rapid evolution of technology over the past few decades, it's exciting—and a little mind-boggling—to imagine what websites will be like in 100 years. Websites have already transformed from simple text-based pages to highly interactive, multimedia-rich experiences. So, what might the websites of the future look like a century from now?

Predicting the distant future is no easy feat, but based on current trends in artificial intelligence, virtual reality, immersive experiences, and human-computer interaction, we can make some educated guesses. Here's a speculative look at what websites might look like in 100 years.

1. Immersive, Multi-Sensory Experiences

In 100 years, websites will likely evolve far beyond the visual and auditory experiences of today. Imagine websites that you can not only see and hear but also touch, smell, and even taste through immersive technology. Using advanced forms of virtual and augmented reality, websites could become fully immersive environments that engage all five senses.

Instead of browsing a traditional website, users might step into a virtual space, interact with 3D objects, feel textures through haptic feedback gloves, or smell and taste a virtual product. For example, a food delivery site could allow you to sample dishes virtually before making a decision.

How It Might Work:

  • Haptic feedback technology will evolve, allowing users to feel textures and interact physically with virtual objects.
  • Smell and taste technology could integrate into devices, simulating aromas and flavors in a digital environment.
  • Virtual reality spaces will act as "websites," where users can walk through environments as if they were physical locations.

2. Hyper-Personalized and Adaptive Content

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are already shaping personalized experiences online, but in 100 years, websites will likely take personalization to a whole new level. Websites could adapt in real-time to each user’s preferences, mood, location, and even biometrics.

For instance, as soon as you enter a website, it will scan your current emotions, health status, and interests to deliver content that is uniquely tailored to you in that moment. Shopping websites might automatically curate products based on your current mood or body temperature. Educational sites could adjust their teaching style based on how you learn best, all happening dynamically as you interact with the content.

How It Might Work:

  • Biometric sensors in devices could detect user emotions, stress levels, and physical health, adjusting content accordingly.
  • AI would use vast amounts of data to predict what content or products a user wants at any given moment, offering suggestions or rearranging the layout.
  • Websites could continually evolve and redesign themselves to match user behavior, preferences, and even surrounding environments.

3. The End of Traditional User Interfaces

In 100 years, we might say goodbye to traditional user interfaces altogether. Instead of scrolling and clicking on screens, gestures, voice commands, and even thought-controlled interfaces could dominate web navigation. Users could control websites with their minds, using advanced brain-computer interfaces (BCI) that allow direct interaction between our thoughts and digital systems.

Imagine visiting a website where you navigate simply by thinking about where you want to go. There would be no need for keyboards, mice, or touchscreens—just intuitive interaction that blends seamlessly with your thoughts and actions.

How It Might Work:

  • Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) could translate brain waves into digital commands, allowing users to control websites mentally.
  • Voice recognition technology will become even more advanced, enabling complex commands and nuanced interaction.
  • Gesture-based interfaces will allow users to navigate websites with a flick of their wrist or a wave of their hand, making physical touch obsolete.

4. Fully Decentralized and Autonomous Websites

Blockchain technology has already paved the way for decentralized applications, but in 100 years, websites could operate entirely autonomously and without central control. Decentralized, blockchain-based websites might run on peer-to-peer networks, making them resistant to censorship, hacking, or corporate control.

These decentralized sites could use AI to run themselves without human intervention. For example, online communities, marketplaces, or content platforms might be self-governing, with AI making decisions based on smart contracts and user consensus.

How It Might Work:

  • Websites could be built on decentralized blockchain networks, distributing control and governance to the users rather than central authorities.
  • AI-driven websites could run autonomously, adjusting and evolving based on rules set by the community, without human administrators.
  • Smart contracts would manage transactions, security, and content moderation, removing the need for intermediaries like corporations.

5. Seamless Integration with the Physical World

The line between the physical and digital worlds will likely blur even further over the next century. Websites may no longer be confined to screens or devices but could instead integrate directly into augmented reality (AR) spaces in the real world.

Imagine walking down the street, and instead of looking at your phone, websites and digital content are overlaid in your field of vision, accessible through AR glasses or contact lenses. You could interact with websites, social media, or e-commerce platforms while walking through a park, sitting in a café, or even during conversations, without needing to pull out a device.

How It Might Work:

  • Augmented reality could overlay web-based content directly into the real world, making websites part of the physical environment.
  • Smart contact lenses or AR glasses could display digital information and allow you to interact with websites without a screen.
  • Physical objects could be tagged with web-based content or services, making them instantly accessible through AR interactions.

6. Self-Designing Websites

In the future, websites could design themselves using advanced AI and machine learning algorithms. This means websites would be able to analyze user interactions and data in real-time to optimize their design, functionality, and layout without human input. This self-designing approach could ensure that websites are constantly evolving, testing new layouts, colors, and content formats based on what performs best.

For example, if a particular layout increases user engagement, the AI behind the website could replicate or modify that design automatically for other users, constantly improving itself.

How It Might Work:

  • AI-driven design tools could automate the process of website creation and optimization, adjusting layouts based on performance data.
  • Websites would conduct A/B testing automatically, continuously improving based on real-time user behavior.
  • Self-learning systems would adapt to trends, user preferences, and the latest design standards, staying perpetually fresh and functional.

7. Interconnected Digital Ecosystems

In 100 years, websites may become part of vast interconnected digital ecosystems. Instead of separate websites that operate in isolation, digital platforms could be linked in a unified system, allowing for fluid transitions between services, products, and experiences. For example, a user might seamlessly move from a shopping website to a social media platform or educational resource without logging in or switching applications.

These digital ecosystems could function like living organisms, constantly evolving based on user input, environmental factors, and even global trends. The result would be a web that feels more like a unified, interactive universe than a collection of individual sites.

How It Might Work:

  • Digital ecosystems will allow users to move between websites, services, and platforms seamlessly, without traditional navigation.
  • Cross-platform integration will be the norm, with websites interconnected for a smooth, immersive user experience.
  • Websites will be part of larger digital networks, providing integrated and personalized services wherever the user is in the ecosystem.


In 100 years, websites will likely be unrecognizable compared to the static, screen-bound experiences of today. From immersive, multi-sensory environments to AI-driven personalization and thought-controlled interfaces, the future of web design promises a radically different—and exciting—digital landscape.

While the specifics may be hard to predict, one thing is certain: the web will continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible, bringing digital experiences closer to our physical realities and blending the lines between technology and human interaction.

The future of websites is likely to be more immersive, personalized, and intuitive than we can imagine today. What are you most excited about?